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Interview, Reflections, & More!

Writer's picture: Peter AssadPeter Assad

In this blogpost, we talk about a recent podcast interview, what Michael Card and others are saying about our music, Spotify Wrapped reflections, and promo through December 20th!

This week, an episode released on PostConsumer Reports podcast with Chris Marchand that takes a deep dive into the backstory behind Not Here Yet, Rivers to Eden, Breathe, and Held. It was beautiful hearing the ebb and flow of conversation woven with song clips throughout.

If you remember "radio specials," where you get to sit down for an evening and listen to an artist talk about their work, it's a lot like that. This kind of long-form conversation is so rare these days, so if you're looking for a nostalgically unique experience of hearing the heart behind a work and the work alongside it, you will love this interview!

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At times, releasing music into the world can feel like releasing music into the abyss, never to be seen or heard from again. Did anyone notice? You don't do it for these reasons--it's not about the response. It's actually meant to bless and bring beauty into the world. Still, there's still a piece of you that wonders if it's reaching anyone at all.

Imagine our surprise to receive this note from Michael Card:

As a bonus, what followed was a meaningful conversation about discouragement and learning to lean into the community around us to stay strong against an enemy who wishes to take us out by isolating us. Spoken from someone who knows attack this full well, this is sage wisdom we're taking to heart.

Another great piece of feedback on our "Not Here Yet" project came from author and pastor Andrew Arndt:

If this music has ministered to you in any way, we would love to hear how!

If you haven't heard "Not Here Yet," you can listen today wherever you stream music, or pick up a digital copy of the album for yourself in the shop.

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'Tis the season for Spotify Wrapped, which if I'm honest, can be a dreaded time for artists. Although there's an excitement when you discover your music is out there reaching countries and therefore people you never thought possible, comparison rears its ugly head. You question, all the more, what difference you're making, and whether your little pebble is making a significant enough ripple in an ocean of releases that its worth going on.

So leaning into the community as Michael pointed out, I reached out to some songwriting friends. One of them, Travis Ham, had this to say:

"You’re doing incredible work. Jesus is glorified wonderfully through what you write and record. Keep at it good and faithful servant."

This is centering. At the end of the day, what else could we possibly be after?

And then, this wisdom from our friend and VP of United Adoration, Rachel Wilhelm:

"I want to say something. Comparison is a way the enemy discourages us from continuing to create. If YOU don’t create that next piece of art, even if it sits in a box and no one sees it, that weapon of beauty to beat back the darkness, the world will suffer without it. How many things has God created that are hidden in their beauty? Think of what’s under the ocean, even creation at the microscopic level—or the leaf that falls off the tree in the forest no one walks in. All of creation sings God’s glory. Your creations, songs, paintings, poems, dances, fill-in-the-blank are precious to God and are agents of His in breaking Kingdom. They are prophesies of what’s to come. They are the individual and unique drops of water that fill the ocean of God’s triumph.

If you don’t make, we all suffer, whether we realize it or not. Your creations are essential to beauty, the beauty of Christ, saving the world. It’s a campaign of resistance to evil and injustice. It’s a mission to show the love of God for the life of the world.

So don’t let stupid Spotify streams get you down. You are a maker in the Kingdom of the most high God. You are involved in re-creation. The biggest job out there. The greatest art is often unseen by the world. Even by your fellow Christians. Or your own family or fellow songwriting friends who don’t even listen to your music. It’s in the making that is the good work.

So look at this unknown woman by the unknown painter of his time, Vincent van Gogh, and tell me this piece of art isn’t still shining beauty into a dark world long after sitter and painter are dead. Art is like a prayer and no evil force can make it stop unless you let it. Be encouraged."

Wisdom. The apostle Paul talks about the parts of the body that are hidden being of the utmost importance. We'll never know the difference we're making, so rather than obsessing over it, let's all be encouraged to play whatever part God allows us to play...with every fiber of our being.

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As a thank you for allowing us to fill your inbox and your ears with music and more this year, we're running a sale now through December 20th. 10% off your entire order if you use the code MERRY10. Now is a great time to order some CDs, devotionals and prints from the Story, a sticker, and more at the shop. Or if you'd like to commission a watercolor painting, visit the contact page and let's get the conversation started!

Holiday blessings to you all!




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